Any relation between visor and supervisor? [closed]

I am about to buy a domain name. The domain name represents an application with monitors a computer system. Supervisor or monitor are words that might fit for describing the tool but I wonder if I could just use "visor" in the domain name or will it give a totally different meaning?

An example of domain might be:

They both share a common root with vision and video, namely the Latin visio (seeing, sight, thing seen) which is the noun form of the verb videre (to see).

Therefore, A visor is a thing you see through. A supervisor is a person who looks over something, such as a group of employees, a project, or computer system.

Here's some sources:

  • Entymonline entry for vision
  • Wiktionary entry for Latin visio
  • Wiktionary entry for Latin video

"Visor" comes through the French root of "face". The meaning of "Supervisor" is split from that (over, videre) and means "Overseer". Normally concatenated "visor" words relate more to supervisory functions than facial functions.

In the case of your question my own opinion is that the concatenation would make it clear that you're using a supervisory case.