Is there a single word that means 'adding more details' or 'enriching with information'

What is the right word (verb) for a process of adding more details to something that's already been defined?


Thank you for your answers!

The precise context is as follows:

I have a base entity which describes a whatever (very general) camera that has a few parts which are whatever lens, batteries, memory cards etc. This is what I referred to as "something that's already been defined". Now, I need to define a very real camera which is 'D700 Nikon' that has specific lens, batteries, etc. So I take my general definition and create a new definition by adding more details specific to the 'D700 Nikon' camera.

So the question is: what am I doing with the base definition?

Solution 1:

The best I think of is "refine". From Wordnik:

v. To use precise distinctions and subtlety in thought or speech.

v. To improve in accuracy, delicacy, or excellence.

v. To affect nicety or subtlety in thought or language.


"Specify" (from Wordnik):

v. To state explicitly or in detail: specified the amount needed.

v. To include in a specification.

v. To state as a condition: specified that they be included in the will.

Solution 2:

It depends so much on the context, but I'd go with "elaborate."

As in:

… the National Weather Service … advised all citizens in New Orleans's water-filled neighborhoods “to take the necessary tools for survival.” The Weather Service elaborated: “Those going into attics should try to take an axe or hatchet with them so they can cut their way onto the roof to avoid drowning should rising flood waters continue to rise into the attic.” —Christopher Cooper & Robert Block, Diaster, 2006

In light of your updated question, I think you should also consider "illustrate" and "specify."

Solution 3:

Enrich, enhance, embellish, ameliorate, or perfect would do.