Stop Safari Mobile from giving input buttons rounded corners

Solution 1:

If you add...

input, textarea {
  -webkit-appearance: none;
  border-radius: 0;

Then your buttons will inherit any CSS styles that you have applied for other browsers.

Solution 2:

Didn't work for me, the -webkit-appearance:none.

This does:

input[type=submit] {

I had the same issue with rounded corners on a button with background image, just on the iPhone.

Solution 3:

You can try to use following CSS:


More info:

Solution 4:

I've found that on iPad 2 you have to use the following:

border-radius: 0;

in your button class.

Solution 5:

I had a site with an input submit type="image". This vairation of the above fixed the rounded corners:

input[type=image] {