How to abbreviate "and other things"?

Which short phrase or abbreviation could I use here to mean and other things?

The medulla oblongata controls respiration and cardiovascular rhythm ____.

Etc. would not fit as it carries the connotation of the continuation being obvious, while the phrase I'm looking for would mean that it was omitted for other reasons, e.g., brevity.

The text is intended only for me, but I'd still prefer a phrase or abbreviation that would be recognised by others, too.

Use i.a. It's Latin; inter alia means among other things. If etc. was ever a viable choice, then another Latin abbreviation should be no problem.

I think what you're looking for is "et al", which is short for Latin "et alii", and means "and others".

Like, "We gave samples of our product to ABC Company, X Corporation, Miller & Sons, et al."

There is a slight difference in connotation between "etc" and "et al". "etc" implies "others of the same sort", while "et al" just means "others".

In practice, though, most Americans use "etc" pretty freely for this sort of thing. I doubt anyone would find any problem with you using "etc" in your example.

I am missing a direction in your statement. E.g.

A controls B and C and other things.

Is very much like saying

Oregano can be used on pasta and meatballs and other things.


Oregano can be used on dishes such as pasta and meatballs.

Would perhaps better express the meaning of your statement, which is exemplification.

In short, how about:

The medulla oblongata controls autonomic functions, such as respiration and cardiovascular rhythm.