What expression to use when a wave hits the beach and fades away?

I am looking for word or expression that refers to the moment when a wave, with all its strength, closes itself, hits the beach and fades away.

Wave on the beach

After the wave breaks, it is called swash.

Swash, in geography, is known as a turbulent layer of water that washes up on the beach after an incoming wave has broken. Swash consists of two phases: uprush (onshore flow) and backwash (offshore flow). Wikipedia

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You could say the wave is ebbing. Typically, ebb is used to describe the tide going out, but it could also be applied to a single wave receding toward the sea.

ebb - flow back or recede

I think the term is that the wave is "breaking" from Oxford Dictionary:

5.5(Of waves) curl over and dissolve into foam: the Caribbean sea was breaking gently on the shore

I think it can also be considered to be "crashing" onto the shore which is similar but seems to have a more strong or violent image.

I'd still describe it as a wave (as it seems you want to still acknowledge it as such), so I'd call it a receding wave.