Humans desire riches, fame, power and... (wo)men?

"Riches, power, fame and women" are umbrella words often used for describing the things that most people aspire to get. The lowest of our core humans desires: Material possessions, control over others, recognition, respect and ego-related desires, and carnal desire.

I usually have a problem with the latter and I struggle to find a proper substitution.

To quote a question from worldbuilding that recently reminded me of this issue:

(...)But, it would make sense that at least a few wizards would want to use their powers to gain riches, fame, women and power.

Here, I read the word women to mean "people who satisfy their sexual desires", which... doesn't necessarily need to be female. Or... humans, but that goes beyond the scope of this question.

I don't feel like "women" is an appropriate umbrella term to use

Why it doesnt work: Sexism

I consider this an inappropiate term due to sexist connotations an historical objectification of the gender. Yes, people are being objectified on the context of the sentence but one shouldn't need to reference a historical objectified group for referencing a common human desire, understandably alienating a wide portion of your audience.

Why it doesnt work: Context

It also doesn't really work in many contexts, since it makes way too many assumptions about the targets, like their sexual preference. For instance, in the first example it gives the impression that all the wizards (or at least the offending ones) are straight males, which may or may not be the author's intent.

What would be a better broad term to use in this context?

Note: It can be multiple words as long as it sounds natural

Solution 1:

You could just say "sex", unless you think that what the wizards are interested in is romance and long-term companionship rather than immediate gratification.

An example where this is used in popular culture is the phrase sex, drugs, and rock'n'roll, which describes the goals of someone who aspires to be a rock star.

Solution 2:

Riches, fame, power, and lovers.

b : a person with whom one has sexual relations · He was her first lover.

I think this is as close as you can get to a non-gender and non-orientation specific version of women that still uses it in the sense that you define.

Speaking in terms of the grammar, however, note that there is an issue with parallelism in both this and the original.

The first three nouns are all uncountable and conceptual. They talk about ideas. In the original, women is being used as a mass noun, but it has less of a conceptual focus.

To more accurately preserve parallelism, a more accurate phrase might be riches, fame, power, and sex:

3 a : sexually motivated phenomena or behavior

Solution 3:

Sample sentence: Humans desire riches, fame, power and… (wo)men?

The word women here is not viewed as an appropriate umbrella term by the OP.

collocation: "Riches, power, fame and women"

new suggested collocation: Wealth, power, fame and sexual conquests.

Sexual conquests does not limit the meaning to women. It extends it to all humans regardless of sexual orientation or gender.

Merriam Webster: b : a person whose favor or hand has been won

Please note, I changed riches to wealth also. No reference for that, just intuition.


sexual conquest + Picasso