How to transfer data from a desktop pc to a USB flash drive?

On a windows 10 Home Edition desktop pc how do i transfer data Firefox browsing history to a USB flash drive? I see a lot of how-to's on the web, but they don't tell me exactly on how to do it.

They lack the right details on them or are clashy and inconsistent on what they are describing or are not explaining clearly in their instructions on how to do it.

  1. On your menu of Firefox click it then click on help h1

  2. Then click on "More Troubleshooting information" This will open another tab on your browser


  1. Scroll down abit and you should find this "Profile Foder", click on "Open Folder" it should open the the folder where your profile is stored


  1. Once the folder is open go back a little, click on the "Roaming" or click on the up arrow until you find it, Should be 4 clicks to get there


  1. Click on the Mozilla folder, right click then copy, and now you are ready to paste your folder on your USB


Once you pasted this folder you can now move it to a new pc or have it as a backup of your navigation data.

If you want to paste the folder in a new PC, close your firefox first then just open you Start menu and type this %appdata% it should open the Roaming folder


Once there locate the Mozilla folder rename it to something like "mozilla_bkp"

And then paste your folder form your USB.

Hope it helps.

More info here Back up and restore information in Firefox profiles