Problems after upgrading to 14.04 (only background and pointer after login) [duplicate]

This bug depends on several factors, including Video card and custom config files. For example, some users have solved the issue by doing one or several of the following "solutions" (Not all work for everyone, some users even need a combination depending on how the session was configured and hardware used):

Fix 1 - Compiz Problems (OpenGL module not loading, Unity plugin not loading)

sudo rm -fr ~/.cache/compizconfig-1
sudo rm -fr ~/.compiz

Fix 2 - Session not loading (Guest session loads fine)

sudo rm -fr ~/.Xauthority
sudo rm -fr ~/.config/autostart

Fix 3 - Session not loading (Guest not loading)

sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop unity compizconfig-settings-manager upstart

Fix 4 - Launcher / Top Panel not loading (Nvidia cards)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa -y
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nvidia-340
sudo reboot

Fix 5 - Clearing Unity

dconf reset -f /org/compiz/
setsid unity

Fix 6 - Clearing the Cache

sudo rm -fr .cache/*

WARNING - This will clear the cache for all apps inside of the .cache folder.

For most of these cases, if the session opens and you still can not see the top panel or the launcher, try opening a terminal CTRL+ALT+T and typing ccsm (Assuming you already installed the compizconfig-settings-manager package) then enable the OpenGL plugin and the Unity Plugin. If the driver is working well, this should enable both panels in a couple of seconds. There are even some cases where the Unity plugin in the compiz config settings manager is simply not enabled.

This is what fixed my problem. Once you are booted up to the blank desktop... press CTRL + ALT + F1.

apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop
apt-get install unity
apt-get purge nvidia* bumblebee*
apt-get install nvidia-prime
shutdown -r now

When the computer came back, my login screen was in high-def resolution. I entered my password. WAIT for a minute, there is a startup delay and BAM desktop appeared and popups whre there, little slow on the start up.