List IPv6 Neighbor Proxies in Linux
With the command like these the following you can add neighbor proxies in Linux
ip -6 neigh add proxy 2001:db8:100:3022:1::4 dev eth0
Is there a way how to list which proxies have already been defined?
Solution 1:
Try with:
ip -6 neigh show proxy
It works for me:
emily ~ # ip -6 neigh add proxy 2001:db8:100:3022:1::4 dev eth0
emily ~ # ip -6 neigh show proxy
2001:db8:100:3022:1::4 dev eth0 proxy
Solution 2:
On some distribution "ip -6 neigh show proxy" doesn't work but your can see the corresponding multicast address to be answered :
ip -6 maddr show