Can I use wildcards is puppet package ensure to cover multiple releaseversion

Solution 1:

You would have to set a variable with a case statement, sort of like this:

class puppet::installation inherits puppet {

        case $::operatingsystemrelease {
            '5':     { $puppet_ver = '3.0.1-1'}
            default: { $puppet_ver = '3.0.1-1.el6'}

        package { 'puppet':
            ensure => $puppet_ver,

However, it's a better design to use a params.pp file for this sort of logic. Read about params.pp here:

Solution 2:

Puppet really doesn't have any functionality for this yet (though they really need it).

You can use the yum-versionlock yum plugin to lock specific RPM packages at specific versions, and then use puppet to control the versionlock configuration.

For some other workarounds, see this related question.

Solution 3:

Actually, I was able to use the wildcard character to install a specific version of Python regardless of operating system. My package code for python is as follows.

package {
    "python-dev": ensure => "2.7.3*";
    "python-setuptools": ensure => installed;
    "python-pip": ensure => installed;
    "libxml2-dev": ensure => installed;
    "libxslt-dev": ensure => installed;

By using the 2.7.3* as the ensure version, it installed python 2.7.3-0ubuntu2.2 on my vagrant VM. I'm using Puppet version 2.7.19.