Same-named attributes in attrs.xml for custom view

I'm writing a few custom views which share some same-named attributes. In their respective <declare-styleable> section in attrs.xml I'd like to use the same names for attributes:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <declare-styleable name="MyView1">
        <attr name="myattr1" format="string" />
        <attr name="myattr2" format="dimension" />

    <declare-styleable name="MyView2">
        <attr name="myattr1" format="string" />
        <attr name="myattr2" format="dimension" />

I'm getting an error saying that myattr1 and myattr2 are already defined. I found that I should omit the format attribute for myattr1 and myattr2 in MyView2, but if I do that, I obtain the following error in the console:

[2010-12-13 23:53:11 - MyProject] ERROR: In <declare-styleable> MyView2, unable to find attribute 

Is there a way I could accomplish this, maybe some sort of namespacing (just guessing)?

Solution 1:

Solution: Simply extract common attributes from both views and add them directly as children of the <resources> node:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <attr name="myattr1" format="string" />
    <attr name="myattr2" format="dimension" />

    <declare-styleable name="MyView1">
        <attr name="myattr1" />
        <attr name="myattr2" />

    <declare-styleable name="MyView2">
        <attr name="myattr1" />
        <attr name="myattr2" />

Solution 2:

I am posting this answer as the above-posted solution didn't work out for me in Android Studio. I need to share my custom attributes among my custom views so I tried the above solution in Android Studio but had no luck. So I experiment and go a way to do it. Hope it might help someone looking for the same problem.

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- parent styleable -->
     <declare-styleable name="MyView">
         <attr name="myattr1" format="string" />
         <attr name="myattr2" format="dimension" />

     <!-- inheriting parent styleable -->
     <!-- also note "myBackgroundColor" belongs to child styleable"MyView1"-->
    <declare-styleable name="MyView1" parent="MyView">
        <attr name="myattr1" />
        <attr name="myattr2" />
        <attr name="myBackgroundColor" format="color"/>

    <!-- inheriting parent styleable -->
    <!-- same way here "myfonnt" belongs to child styelable "MyView2" -->
    <declare-styleable name="MyView2" parent="MyView">
        <attr name="myattr1" />
        <attr name="myattr2" />
        <attr name="myfont" format="string"/>

This works for me completely. We need to make a Parent styleable and then we need to inherit that parent styleable. For example, as I have done above : Parent styleable name MyView and inherited this to my other styleable like MyView1 and MyView2 respectively.