iOS Keeping old launch screen and app icon after update

I have an app where I recently replaced the launch images and app icons, I removed all of the old assets from everywhere in the project. When I upgrade the app from the old version to the new version by just building in Xcode, everything is fine. However, if I have the old version of my app installed then upgrade it from TestFlight, every time I kill the app then restart it the old launch image briefly appears before showing the new launch image. Similarly when I then close the app, the old app icon briefly flashes before switching back to my new one.

I opened up the App using iExplorer and noticed that there is an image of the old launch screen saved in the /Library/Caches/Shapshots directory (I don't know how or why it got there). When I delete it manually through iExplorer, it stops appearing. However, when I try to remove it with code using NSFileManager methods, I get errors saying I am forbidden from deleting files in this directory.

Has anyone experienced this before and have any advice?

I have been able to reliably get the springboard cache cleared for testing launch image changes by doing this:

  1. Delete your app from the device
  2. Power down the device
  3. Power up device, install and launch app.

The image updates properly every time. Shame I need to power down the device to get it to go - but at least I have been able to make progress this way. I hope this helps someone.

In case of the simulator, just restarting of simulator should work.

These caches are used by Springboard to make app switching fast. This isn't a problem that will affect your production users and should in theory go away the next time Springboard decides to snapshot your app.

That being said, this isn't a problem you can fix. This is a bug in Apple's code not yours.

UPDATE: There appears to be a work around that doesn't require restarting the device.

This will take effect after the second launch!

do {
   try FileManager.default.removeItem(atPath: NSHomeDirectory()+"/Library/SplashBoard")
} catch {
   print("Failed to delete launch screen cache: \(error)")

A full explanation of how that works here:

For the simulator just Reset Contents and Settings...

This worked for me:

Again, thanks to the thread I have referenced above I found a way to solve this issue - name your new image differently from the one there was before in case your new one has the same name as the old one and put it out of the *.xcassets folder to the project directory and reference it in your UIImageView. And that's it. Sound stupid easy but oh gawd how much rage I had.