Only show slot if it has content

Solution 1:

It should be available at


So, this should work.

hasFooterSlot() {
  return !!this.$slots.footer


Solution 2:

You should check vm.$slots and also vm.$scopedSlots for it.

hasSlot (name = 'default') {
   return !!this.$slots[ name ] || !!this.$scopedSlots[ name ];

Solution 3:

I have ran into a similiar issue but across a wide code base and when creating atomic design structured components it can be tiring writing hasSlot() methods all the time and when it comes to TDD - its one more method to test... Saying that, you can always put the raw logic in a v-if but i have found that the template end up cluttered and harder to read on occasions especially for a new dev checking out the code structure.

I was tasked to find out a way of removing parent divs of slots when the slot isnt provided.


    <div class="hello">
      <slot name="foo" />
    <div class="world">
      <slot name="bar" />

  <span slot="foo">show me</span>

  <div class="hello">
    <span slot="foo">show me</span>
  <div class="world"></div>

as you can see, the issue is that i have an almost 'trailing' div, that could provide styling issues when the component author decides there is no need for a bar slot.

ofcourse we could go <div v-if="$">...</div> or <div v-if="hasBar()">...</div> etc but like i said - that can get tiresome and eventually end up harder to read.


My solution was to make a generic slot component that just rendered out a slot with a surrounding div...see below.

//slot component
  <div v-if="!!$slots.default">
    <slot />

//usage within <my-component/>
    <slot-component class="hello">
      <slot name="foo"/>
    <slot-component class="world">
      <slot name="bar"/>

  <span slot="foo">show me</span>

  <div class="hello">
    <span>show me</span>

I came into use-case issues when trying this idea and sometimes it was my markup structure that needed to change for the benefit of this approach. This approach reduces the need for small slot checks within each component template. i suppose you could see the component as a <conditional-div /> component...

It is also worth noting that applying attributes to the slot-component instantiation (<slot-component class="myClass" data-random="randomshjhsa" />) is fine as the attributes trickle into the containing div of the slot-component template.

Hope this helps.

UPDATE I wrote a plugin for this so the need for importing the custom-slot component in each consumer component is not needed anymore and you will only have to write Vue.use(SlotPlugin) in your main.js instantiation. (see below)

  name: 'custom-slot',
  template: `
    <div v-if="$slots.default">
      <slot />

const SLOT_PLUGIN = {
  install (Vue) {
    Vue.component(, SLOT_COMPONENT)

export default SLOT_PLUGIN

import SlotPlugin from 'path/to/plugin'
// of code