Skinned verus Skunned

It looks like "skunned" (instead of "skinned") is used in more than one place.

One source says that "skunned" is used in York County, PA:

Today’s Yorkism comes courtesy of Pat Azriel of the York County Community Foundation.

She says, “The latest I wanted to share with you happened a few weeks ago when someone was talking about how her son had hurt his knee while skateboarding; she used the word ‘skunned.’ When I asked about the word, she looked at me funny, and another person chimed in, ‘Yeah, you know, skinned, skanned, skunned.’ Not sure that there really is a ‘skanned’ but either way, ‘skunned’ is just bizarre!”
Skinned, skanned, skunned: What happened to your knees?

Another site indicates it's used in Carleton County, New Brunswick:

skun \'skun\ v - The past tense of "skin"; [...] Sometimes also "skunned."
Carleton County Colloquialisms: Skun

Yet another article, from an author who apparently lives in Two Inlets (Minnesota I think, although she has also lived in New York City):

So even though I do appreciate a nice bit of crackling skin now and then, I had [the pig] “skunned” (as they say around here).
Butchering a Pig in the Yard, Part Two