What is the English word for treating someone with excessive care?

I once saw this American film where two agents were investigating a crime. Unfortunately I can't recall the name of the film, so I'm not able to go back to the source. The two agents did not want to approach a suspect, or they were being very careful about it to ensure that the suspect would open up to them and not withhold information. It might have been a witness, I'm not sure. The two were upset over why they had to be so gentle with this person. They used a specific word for this behavior that I haven't heard before.

It was something along the line "why are we *ing this person"? As to say, why are we taking such measures not to upset this person.

What word could you possibly use in this sense?

I haven't seen the film but the word that immediately sprang to mind was

'Why are we mollycoddling this person?'

mollycoddle verb : to treat (someone) with more kindness and attention than is appropriate : to >treat (someone) too nicely or gently


How about the term "kid-gloving"? Or, as is is more often seen, to "handle with kid gloves".

There are quite a few words for this. The most often used words are:

1) Pampering

2) Mollycoding

Both mean the same. Although pampering is usually used in a good context, where as mollycoding in a bad one. Hope this helps.