Which word to use between two streets when describing an intersection, and or at?

Referring to a location at A St. at B St. indicates that A St. is the primary axis of travel, with B St. being a point of reference along that axis. This is particularly the case if the address is not exactly at the intersection of or the corner of A and B, but a little bit beyond.

I thought it might be useful to illustrate some expressions with an example map from a town near me. The primary routes are east-west (Cameron Street and King Street as shown here).


  1. This building can be described as being located at [the corner of] Cameron Street and North Fairfax Street (or the reverse). It has equal frontage on both streets, and one can access it from either direction. But because you are most likely traveling along Cameron Street to get there, it would not be incorrect to say it is on Cameron Street at North Fairfax Street.
  2. This building is located on North Royal Street between Cameron Street and King Street, although closer to the former, so if you are traveling northbound on North Royal, you might describe it as on North Royal Street before Cameron Street, and if traveling southbound, on North Royal Street past Cameron Street.
  3. This building is situated on the corner but aligned along Cameron Street; I would describe as being on Cameron Street at North Lee Street or on Cameron Street at the corner with North Lee Street.
  4. This market area and fountain is very large, covering the full city block. I might describe it as along King Street between North Royal and North Fairfax Streets, but could equally well say it is located at either intersection, or on either side street at King Street.

If something is on A Street at B Street, it's located on A Street near the intersection of A Street and B Street.

"A Street and B Street" is the intersection itself. If we say something is at A Street and B Street, we haven't said which of those streets it's on.