What is the antonym of to toggle? [closed]

Quoting an earlier answer:

Toggle as a verb is based on the concept of operating a toggle switch

This definition means the thing with a value, say a light switch or a radio-button, has one of two possible value: e.g. on/off; 1/0; yes/no; on/off; or more poetically yin/yang; order/chaos; etc.

Toggling is switching it from one value to the other. Switching it back isn’t called (*) untoggling. Toggling it again switches it back. Repeated toggling switches back and forth between the values.

I don’t think there is an antonym beyond simply not toggling.

If you have a boolean choice, and toggling is switching to the other one, how can there be an antonym?

You switch or you don’t. You can’t choose a blank or no value. In a boolean world items are on or off; there is nothing else.

If a synonym of "to toggle" is to "to switch to state A if in state B, or to switch to state B if in state A", then the opposite of that is not to switch, or not to toggle.

However, based on the 3 sentences you wrote, to me it sounds like you're writing a program/designing a UI with binary switches, or checkboxes. Assuming this is the case, then selected/deselected (turn on/turn off, activate/deactivate) should work:

  • You cannot deselect this choice.
  • This option cannot be deselected while Foo is selected.
  • Selecting Fizz will deselect all Buzz options.