Is there any word for the the feeling/act when the food is so tasty that you close your eyes and chew it slowly?

I'm just looking for a word by which one can explain the moment / feeling / act of closing your eyes and chewing your food slowly with taking enjoying every part of your food.

I'm looking for a noun, but any word adjective/adverb that can replace this long sentence is fine.

Solution 1:

You're looking specifically for a noun. Consider using the gerund form of the verb savour: savouring.

Alternately, as you also admit phrases, consider Mari-Lou's delicious suggestion: savour every bite.

savour verb with object Taste (good food or drink) and enjoy it completely. ‘gourmets will want to savor our game specialties’ - ODO

Solution 2:

degust, according to Oxford Dictionary Online

VERB Taste (something) carefully to appreciate it fully.

Example sentence from the same source:

‘Dennis didn't drink it, he degusted it’

Attribution: "Degust | Definition of Degust in English by Oxford Dictionaries." Oxford Dictionaries | English. Accessed April 16, 2018.