Word for someone who loves to create and organise noisy, lively, chaotic events

I quite like hell-raiser. The alternatives suggested here, like roisterer, wassailer, merrymaker, carouser and reveller all sound either dated or archaic to me.

For someone who isn't quite so "dangerously" boisterous, and not so closely associated with excess consumption of alcohol, there's always a live wire - a vivacious, alert, or energetic person. And as @RSG points out, there's also a party animal.

A ring-leader is the organizer of a circus (literally or figuratively).

An instigator is someone who tries to start an argument or other confrontation.

A troll is someone who picks a fight online.

A cat herder is someone who tries to control an uncontrollable situation.

If someone is the focus of attention and is motivating party-goers, they are the life of the party.

A few words come to mind, but have too much of a negative or political connotation (inciter, agitator, rabble-rouser). The most neutral one I can think of is firebrand:

  1. a piece of burning or glowing wood or other material
  2. a person who causes unrest or is very energetic

It still has a slight negative bias, but to my ear is not as negative as inciter or agitator. The 'very energetic' component suggests an agent of chaos, but not necessarily in a negative way.

Edit: For a more positive connotation, you could describe the person as Dionysian:

  1. of, pertaining to, or honoring Dionysus or Bacchus.
  2. recklessly uninhibited; unrestrained; undisciplined; frenzied; orgiastic.

Dionysus knew how to throw a good party.

Colloquially, the phrase party animal is exactly what you described.

You could refer to that person as a reveler, where revel means:

To engage in uproarious festivities; make merry.

The Oxford English Dictionary adds:

A person who takes part in a revel or revelry; a person given to revelling; (hence) a person who leads a wild or disorderly life.