Latin words borrowed from Roman occupation?

From The Families of Words, Mario Pei (Harper & Bros, 1962), page 11:

Even Anglo-Saxon, however, borrowed from the Latin and Greek of the missionaries who came to Christianize the heathen Saxon, or of the earlier Roman merchants who traded with the Germanic tribes while they were still on the European mainland......(church, (but this is from Greek circe), street, cheese (L. caseus), kitchen (L. coquina), mint, minster are a few"

On p.38, Pei adds " (Anglo-Saxon ceapian derived from Latin caupo "merchant") and shrive (Latin scribe)."

If these routes are interesting — traders with Germanic tribes and missionaries to the Anglo-Saxons — see Wikipedia, Latin Influence in English for many more examples, all of which are guaranteed pre-1066, but don't seem to be from the Roman occupation of Britain.

The Germanic tribes who would later give rise to the English language (the Angles, Saxon and Jutes) traded and fought with the Latin speaking Roman Empire. Many words (some originally from Greek) for common objects therefore entered the vocabulary of these Germanic people via Latin even before the tribes reached Britain (what is known as the Continental or Zero Period):

  • anchor (L. anchora)
  • butter (L. butyrum)
  • camp (L. campus)
  • cheese (L. caseus)
  • chest (L. cista)
  • cook (L. coqueo)
  • copper (L. cuprum (from Cyprus))
  • devil (L. diabolus)
  • dish (L. discus)
  • fork (L. furca)
  • gem (L. gemma)
  • inch (L. uncia)
  • kitchen (L. coquina)
  • mile (L. milia)
  • mill (L. mola)
  • mint (coin) (L. moneta)
  • noon (L. nona)
  • pillow (L. pulvinus)
  • pound (unit of weight) (L. pondus)
  • punt (boat) (L. ponto)
  • sack (bag ??) (L. saccus)
  • street (L. strata)
  • wall (L. vallum)
  • wine (L. vinum)

Cognates of virtually all of these English words exist in the other Germanic languages.

I put in the Latin for the words in this long Wikipedia list from The Families of Words and from Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary.

There is also a list of words from Wikipedia for the missionaries.

Since the Romans had occupied Celtic Britain before the arrival of the Anglo-Saxons, there are also words of Latin that came to English via Celtic. A source for these words is Latin through Celtic Transmission: Latin Influence of the First Period from Latin Influences on Old English by Albert C. Baugh & Thomas Cable. Although the Celts adopted at least 600 words from the Latin, very few of them survived after the arrival of the Germanic tribes — perhaps only five outside of elements in place names.

  • ceaster (town) (L. castel) (not present in Celtic)
  • port (n. 1, harbor) from L. portus and porta)
  • mount (n. 1, mountain) from L. mons, montem
  • torr (tower, rock) possibly from L. turris, possibly from Celtic
  • -wick (village) from L. vîcus