If the result of creating is creation

To be perfectly dry about it, the result of creating is either (a) there has been a(n act of) creation, or (b) there is now, in existence, a (new) creation. Describing the parallel conceptual relationships, the result of getting is either (a) a thing has been gotten, or (b) there is now, in my possession, a (new) thing. In the case of getting, these are concepts without single word signifiers. Sorry.

But I guess another way to answer your question is, "the result of getting is thing."

The result of creating is creation. The result of destructing is destruction. So if the result of giving is gift, the result of getting must be gett :-P

But seriously, the result of getting can be "get". Perhaps not in U.S. English, but it is certainly quite common in British and New Zealand slang. It is quite common to hear something like "what was your get?" meaning "how much money did you make?", although it is much more common to hear "what was your catch?" in reference to things gotten.

I mentioned "gett" in humour, so in all seriousness, I proffer "obtainment".