How to say *heathenous?

Solution 1:

Depending on the context in which you intend to use it, there are a few options:

  • heathen: this is also an adjective, so it would seem the most obvious choice
  • pagan: denotes non-Christian or pre-Christian, with no strong positive or negative connotation per se; in modern times also of a spiritualist movement
  • unchristian: has a negative connotation: lacking all traditional Christian virtues, especially charity
  • heretical: denotes being antagonistic to standard thinking
  • barbarous: connotes cruelty and crudeness
  • barbaric: connotes being primitive, especially as regards gaudy decoration
  • barbarian: most neutral word for being uncivilised

Solution 2:

Simply use "heathen".

These heathen rites will bring down the wrath of the Flying Spaghetti Monster on our heads.

This doesn't work so well as a predicate, adjective, however. In that context, there is no derivative of heathen that will work, so I'd go with pagan.

? This belief is heathen. [Sounds very odd.]

This belief is pagan. [Sounds fine, means almost the same thing.]