How do I "copy image address" in iOS?

On desktops, when web browsing you typically right click on an image and choose an item from a contextual menu to display/copy the image URL. In iOS, when you tap and hold down an image, an action sheet displays asking if you want to save the image, copy to the clipboard, etc. But what if you just want the URL?

If safari doesn't offer this functionality, is there a 3rd party browser that does? Specifically, one that works on the iPad.

Solution 1:

Tap, and hold the image; then choose "copy," open a new browser window, and paste into the address bar.

Solution 2:

Neither iOS Safari nor Opera Mini support this option. However, you can install the 'view source' iOS bookmarklet, as explained here:


And use it to look for the image link within the source you are visiting.

This may be cumbersome using older iOS versions, but it is much easier on iOS 4.2, using the 'Find text on webpages' feature which allows you to search for text using Safari's Search field (right of the navigation bar) to look for image extensons like .jpg, .png and .gif.