Does Gmail push on iPhone 4S?

I just got the iPhone 4S, and it seems like my email is polling rather than push. I set up my Gmail account, and emails do not come to my phone instantly. It appears to be polling, rather than pushing. I see, on average, about a 10 minute delay between when I see my email in my browser and when it comes to my phone.

Does Gmail push on this device, or have I set something up incorrectly?

Solution 1:

If you setup your Gmail account as IMAP, it is not pushed. If you setup your Gmail account as an Exchange account, then it will be. The instructions on how to do this are found on this page. Hope this helps.

Solution 2:

In iOS 6, I changed my Google accounts setup from Exchange to IMAP to test them, and I think they're not compatible with Push. If you go to "Settings", and then to "Mail, Contacts, Calendars" inside iOS, you can go to "Fetch new data" to enable Push, but, if you go to "Advanced" (within "Fetch new data"), you can see, one by one, how iOS will get mail from each account, and only the iCloud account is Push enabled, but not the others, so the only option is to set them up using Exchange method :(. The weird thing is that, in Mountain Lion, using the default Gmail method, you get push email, so I don't understand it yet :(

Here's a guy explaining the problem and the Exchange method: