What are the storage locations of the various types of Automator workflows

Tested this on 10.7.1, Automator 2.2.

  • Workflow - for me this defaults to ~/Documents, but these can be saved anywhere you like.
  • Application - same as above. When saving a workflow/application for the first time, it even lets you change the type in the save dialog.
  • Services - ~/Library/Services
  • Folder Action - The actual workflow is saved in ~/Library/Workflows/Applications/Folder Actions. When creating the folder action, it asks for a folder to 'attach' to in the dropdown at the top. The actions will apply to the folder you choose here.
  • Print Plugin - ~/Library/PDF Services
  • iCal Alarm - ~/Library/Workflows/Applications/iCal
  • Image Capture Plugin - ~/Library/Workflows/Applications/Image Capture

Easy way to find this out in case you forget - after creating/saving one of the types that doesn't prompt you right away for a save location, right click the proxy icon in the title bar to see the path:

enter image description here