How to check whether or no XPath and/or XMLStarlet are available

this might be such a simple question, but I have a very restricted access to the internet, and I mostly can only access stackoverflow, and a couple other places.

I've been looking arround to learn how to parse XML, and several comments here point to this two tools. I am unsure about their install methods and/or dependencies, and since I've read somewhere that they might be already installed in the system, I wanted to know how to check this, if possible.

Solution 1:

The simplest way to check if any command line tool is installed on your system is to simply try to run it.

So, open a terminal (or other command line interface) and execute xpath.

Since most terminals (or other command line interfaces) have auto-completion you could also simply type xpa and press tab. If it autocompletes to xpath, then you know it is installed.

To see an overview of all available commandline tools press tab twice, so tab tab.

If xpath is not installed on your system there are probably many possible ways to install it which all depend on the OS that you are running (So, Windows, macOS or a Linux distro).