Can I upgrade directly to MacOS Monterey if I am using MacOS BigSur 11.0.1

I am using MacBook Air 2017 I have macOS BigSur 11.0.1 installed on my system and I have not updated my macOS to BigSur 11.6

macOS BigSur Update

and as Apple released the new macOS Monterey tomorrow so can I directly download macOS Monterey instead of downloading macOS BigSur 11.6 that takes 6.17 GB

macOS Monterey

And will skipping macOS BigSur 11.6 hamper my system?

Solution 1:

As I wrote in the comment earlier; Yes, you can upgrade your MBA to Monterey from Big Sur 11.0.1 without any problem (At least for OS. Apps still should have to be compatible with Monterey.)

The first image you attached only says Install Now, which means it still not applied (or changed any of system files) to your MBA; it just downloaded update file for 11.6.1.

The only problem I could think of is, as I wrote earlier, the compatible of apps. I'm sure most of apps should work with Monterey, but some of apps still isn't optimized to Monterey. So, if you have any apps that is critical to your job/hobby/etc, I'd advise you to check it if it's compatible to Monterey.