Amazon Music app won't launch

Recently bought a new Macbook Pro to replace an older Air. Everything is working great except for the Amazon Music app. It downloads and installs just fine, but when I try to launch it using Spotlight, double-clicking in Finder or right-click + "Open" in Finder...nothing happens. The system log reports that:[1] ([14329]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1

Not very helpful. I've tinkered with the Security & Privacy settings (i.e. "Allow apps downloaded from"), but that changed nothing. I've tried uninstalling the app and reinstalling it via Homebrew Cask. Nothing. I've tried un/re-installing the app various ways multiple times. Nothing.

The interesting part, and perhaps a glimmer of hope, is that if I flip over to the Guest user, I can open the app just fine.

Anyone have any idea what might be going on with my user account that would be impacting my ability to launch a particular application?

I just experienced the same symptoms. I resolved it by deleting ~/Library/Application Support/Amazon Music. The only file in that directory was a file called i18nUpgrade.txt with the contents Upgrade to i18n build.

I had the same issue on my new Macbook Air (replacing an older Macbook Pro), with the same Console message.

Deleting the app and reinstalling had no effect, and deleting ~/Library/Application Support/Amazon Music had no effect.

What eventually worked was to delete / uninstall with AppCleaner and reinstall. The files that AppCleaner identified:

  • /Applications/Amazon
  • ~/Library/Application Support/Amazon Music
  • ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
  • ~/Library/Preferences/

Deleting i18nUpgrade.txt didn't solve my issue. So I've deleted the entire ~/Library/Application Support/Amazon Music folder! And ... da da da ... Amazon Music starts and ask for login data :-)

For what it's worth, I found that the Amazon Music Helper app was refusing to quit and prevented me from reinstalling over the app. Activity Monitor revealed that the helper was housed in the app itself. I deleted that and was able to reinstall the newest version.