Is there a Retina Enabled IDE to do some programming on the new MacBook Pro?

From the answers to this question: How does Eclipse work on new Retina MacBook Pros?

It seems that Eclipse on the new Retina a display appears pretty bad. Is there an IDE that currently works well on it?

I'd like to do Javascript / jQuery / PHP on it.

To enable a retina eclipse


Here's the workaround:

Do "Show package contents" on the Edit Contents/Info.plist. Just above


Place this:


Then, log out or make a copy of the app so that OS X will notice the change. Now, the info window will not show "Open in Low Resolution" as checked. Launch Eclipse and enjoy your new retina awesomeness.

Coda 2 (OS X) and Diet Coda (iPad3) are both optimized for retina displays. They have built-in support for PHP, Ruby, JavaScript, and CSS, and a bunch of other stuff. They also have HTML/CSS/JS manuals, and SFTP/FTP & Terminal built right in. Get them at Panic Software:

Sublime Text 2 just came out, and it also has retina-support built right in. It's available at:

While it's not technically an IDE, Sublime Text 2 nightly build has Retina support as of build 2201 on June 17.

However, this is a nightly build that could (er, will) contain bugs. I've been happy with it. I do Ruby/HTML/JS/CSS with it.

Seeing how apple is providing documentation on how to optimize for retina displays on Macs, it seems safe to assume that Xcode 4.3.3 should be an IDE optimized for Retina Displays.

Although depending on the Application it might be possible to get retina "Text" if a non-retina app is using Apple native text rendering API's, it just maybe that the icons /interface may look blurry if they are custom to that app.