How to export stored password from seahorse

Is there any way to export stored secrets from seahorse 3.8.2 (running on Ubuntu 13.10) (not public keys) in order to import them (directly or after a transformation) into a keepass2 database? I researched for some time now without a result (neither positive nor negative).

Answering to the Amias' request, due to Apacar's response...

In Seahorse interface, Passwords tab, click the right button on your Keychain folder (named <name>), click Change Password, enter your Old Password in the first field and leave the other fields empty and click OK button, then click the Use Unsafe Storage button. After that, the <name>.keyring file, in ~/.gnome2/keyrings or ~/.local/share/keyrings, will be decrypted.

Then, in order to keep your passwords more secure during transportation, you could make a compressed copy of the file (protected and encrypted by password, <name>.keyring.{7z,rar}) through the Compress option of the Nautilus context menu. And, after that, undo the password change of your Keychain.