How can I get a startup application to run in another workspace other than #1?

Solution 1:

First, thanks to Scott Severance I found out how to do this. But I wanted to flesh out his answer to make it easier for new Ubuntu users.

Note: This works with Metacity window manager, the default window manager for Ubuntu desktop.

First download and install gDevilspie (I used Ubuntu Software Center)

enter image description here


When I tried to run it, it failed. But thanks to AskUbuntu I found the fix...

sudo apt-get install python-glade2
  • This is a bug in gDevilspie, a needed package is not identified in the dependecies. If you already have this package (one of my computers did) you will not have to do this.

So start the application so its window is open, then fire up gDevilspie...

enter image description here

Click the ✔box so the daemon will startup at launch and then hit the add button...

enter image description here

Now give our rule a name.

Then identify the application's window for the new rule using its properties. Two ways to do this:

  1. Hit the Get button and be presented with a list of window_names, or

  2. Find the window_class using xprop.

The 2nd way is safer because window name can change. Open a terminal and type in xprop | grep WM_CLASS The mouse cursor will change to a plus. Move the new cursor so it's over the desired application window, and click it. The wm_class will appear in the terminal...

-@-:~$ xprop | grep WM_CLASS
WM_CLASS(STRING) = "skype", "Skype"

Now click the Actions tab, and check the ✔box for set workspace then set the desired workspace...

enter image description here

If you like, check out the rule...

enter image description here

Now save the rule using the Save button...

enter image description here

And start the daemon if it's not running already.

Note: You can do lots with gDevilspie (devilspie). Places for more information:

  • Ubuntu Documentation > Community Documentation > Devilspie
  • HOWTO: Automating Gnome with Devil's Pie
  • Devil's Pie documentation

Knock yourself out!

Good Luck

Solution 2:

You can use Place Windows plugin of Compiz (CompizConfig Settings -> Window Management section -> Place Windows):

enter image description here

And then choose the window and viewport (in this example, i choose Firefox):

enter image description here

Also, if you want that window to start maximized you can set that in Windows with fixed placement mode.

Solution 3:

A great app for this is devilspie. There's also a GUI settings manager, gDevilspie.

sudo apt-get install gdevilspie