How do I prevent being kicked back to the login screen every time?

Just finished upgrading from Ubuntu 13.04 to 13.10. Everything works fine. After the installations, I restart to finish the installations. In the log in screen, I put my password and then it goes back to the log in screen. I've tried so many times, still the same.

Note: Using Unity, running 13.04 before using MacBook Air with single OS.

I had the exact same issue after upgrading from 13.04 to 13.10.
None of the solutions here worked for me, so I found this bugreport. I removed Cinnamon/Nemo with sudo apt-get remove --purge cinnamon* and sudo apt-get autoremove and now everything works fine.

I had the same issue. Tried cinnamon didn't work. Read about the permission issue on the .Xauthority file. Sorry, I lost the link to that answer

  1. Logged in with Ctrl+Alt+F1 as the user

  2. and removed the .Xauthority file

  3. went back to GUI session by Ctrl+Alt+F7

Worked like a charm!!