Hybrid-Analysis.com indicates macOS built-in file is contacting a malicious website

WebKit is a standard component - it will connect to anywhere it's told to. That's why we have ad-blockers & Little Snitch; to shut down random calls to unsavoury locations.

Little Snitch is 'smart' but its job is to tell you when a connection asks, not to identify or police for you what is at the other end of that connection. That's your call. If you don't like the look of a connection, look it up or just deny it. if it later turns out you made the wrong call, you can reverse it in Little Snitch's rules.

Ad blockers will attempt to police these connections for you, but are usually browser only, not global.

Each has its advantages & disadvantages - one being that every so often you have to research what/where/why something connects… or fails to.