Convert string to decimal, keeping fractions

I am trying to convert 1200.00 to decimal, but Decimal.Parse() removes .00. I've tried some different methods, but it always removes .00, except when I supply a fraction different than 0.

string value = "1200.00";

Method 1

 var convertDecimal = Decimal.Parse(value ,  NumberStyles.AllowThousands
       | NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint | NumberStyles.AllowCurrencySymbol);

Method 2

 var convertDecimal = Convert.ToDecimal(value);

Method 3

var convertDecimal = Decimal.Parse(value,
       NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

How can I convert a string containing 1200.00 to a decimal containing 1200.00?

Solution 1:

Hmm... I can't reproduce this:

using System;

class Test
    static void Main()        
        decimal d = decimal.Parse("1200.00");
        Console.WriteLine(d); // Prints 1200.00

Are you sure it's not some other part of your code normalizing the decimal value later?

Just in case it's cultural issues, try this version which shouldn't depend on your locale at all:

using System;
using System.Globalization;

class Test
    static void Main()        
        decimal d = decimal.Parse("1200.00", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

Solution 2:

I think your problem is when displaying the decimal, not the contents of it.

If you try

string value = "1200.00";
decimal d = decimal.Parse(s);
string s = d.ToString();

s will contain the string "1200".

However if you change your code to this

string value = "1200.00";
decimal d = decimal.Parse(s);
string s = d.ToString("0.00");

s will contain the string "1200.00" as you want it to do.


Seems I'm braindead early in the morning today. I added the Parse statements now. However even my first code will output "1200.00", even if I expected it to output "1200". Seems like I'm learning something each day, and in this case obviously something that is quite basic.

So disregard this a an proper answer. We will probably need more code to identify your problem in this case.

Solution 3:

Hello i was have the same issue, but it is easly, just do this:

string cadena="96.23";

decimal NoDecimal=decimal.parse(cadena.replace(".",","))

I think this is beacuse the notation that accept C# on decimal numbers are with a ","

Solution 4:

The use of CultureInfo class worked for me, I hope to help you.

    string value = "1200.00";
    CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
    decimal result = Convert.ToDecimal(value, culture);