How to use PATCH verb with curl

I am trying to make a PATCH call to a server. I am using the following command:

curl --data status=closed -X PATCH 

Is this the correct way of sending the PATCH request? I am getting an error saying there is no status parameter set. I am guessing the --data is for POST request only and thus the server doesn't find the status parameter.

This is the response (FYI):

{"http_status":400,"error":"Parameter validation errors","validation_errors":{"status":{"error":"Request missing status parameter."}}}

You can find documentation about this service here.

This is the format you should use:

curl --request PATCH

That API seems to want the status parameter as a query parameter on the url, not part of the PATCH body.

At this point the server is going to return a 401 error: "You must be logged in to modify page settings." Assumedly you have to login first with something like this:

curl --request POST "!sNum8er1&[email protected]"

I've used the credentials from their documentation in that example, which I figured would work on their dev server, but its currently returning an "Incorrect password" error.

If you have valid credentials, though, you should get back a session cookie which you can then use to authenticate your PATCH request.

I was trying to PATCH to a tastypie resource with a similar curl request. For me the problem was the data had to be passed in like so:

curl --data '{"field": "new_value"}' -X PATCH

Notice how what I pass to the data flag is inside of what looks like a dictionary passed as a string, rather than putting the param directly as in the question. Of course a param works too as already answered, but hopefully this helps some people.

For those who run it on Windows, with a complex patch expression for more than one property.
The following worked for me:

curl -X PATCH "http://localhost:5001/tenants/test02" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d [{"""op""":"""replace""","""value""":"""100""","""path""":"""/employmentEndSettings/daysLoginActive"""},{"""op""":"""replace""","""value""":"""retiree""","""path""":"""/employmentEndSettings/userRoleAfter"""}]