Of Countries and their Cities [closed]

There are quite a few available.

The following has database for 2,401,039 cities


From all my searching around, I strongly say that the most practical, accurate and free data source is provided by GeoNames.

You can access their data in 2 ways:

  1. The easy way through their free web services.
  2. Import their free text files into Database tables and use the data in any way you wish. This method offers much greater flexibility and have found that this method is better.

Go through this link http://www.maxmind.com/en/worldcities

It Includes the following fields:

  1. Country Code
  2. ASCII City Name
  3. City Name
  4. Region
  5. Population
  6. Latitude (The latitude and longitude are near the center of the most granular location value returned: postal code, city, region, or country)
  7. Longitude

Check this out:

Cities of the world database donated by MaxMind.com

The company MaxMind.com1 has agreed to release their cities of the world database under the GPL. The database contains locations by country, city, latitude and longitude. There are over 3,047,000 records in the database. For those of you who have tried the location.module with the zipcodes database from CivicSpace, you will recognize how cool it is and how well this fits with that project and therefore Drupal.

Here's another free one that might help you get started.

Creating and maintaining such a database is quite a bit of work - so anyone who's done it is likely keeping it to themselves, or offering it for a fee.