Django templates: If false?

Solution 1:

For posterity, I have a few NullBooleanFields and here's what I do:

To check if it's True:

{% if variable %}True{% endif %}

To check if it's False (note this works because there's only 3 values -- True/False/None):

{% if variable != None %}False{% endif %}

To check if it's None:

{% if variable == None %}None{% endif %}

I'm not sure why, but I can't do variable == False, but I can do variable == None.

Solution 2:

Django 1.10 (release notes) added the is and is not comparison operators to the if tag. This change makes identity testing in a template pretty straightforward.

In[2]: from django.template import Context, Template

In[3]: context = Context({"somevar": False, "zero": 0})

In[4]: compare_false = Template("{% if somevar is False %}is false{% endif %}")
In[5]: compare_false.render(context)
Out[5]: u'is false'

In[6]: compare_zero = Template("{% if zero is not False %}not false{% endif %}")
In[7]: compare_zero.render(context)
Out[7]: u'not false'

If You are using an older Django then as of version 1.5 (release notes) the template engine interprets True, False and None as the corresponding Python objects.

In[2]: from django.template import Context, Template

In[3]: context = Context({"is_true": True, "is_false": False, 
                          "is_none": None, "zero": 0})

In[4]: compare_true = Template("{% if is_true == True %}true{% endif %}")
In[5]: compare_true.render(context)
Out[5]: u'true'

In[6]: compare_false = Template("{% if is_false == False %}false{% endif %}")
In[7]: compare_false.render(context)
Out[7]: u'false'

In[8]: compare_none = Template("{% if is_none == None %}none{% endif %}")
In[9]: compare_none.render(context)
Out[9]: u'none'

Although it does not work the way one might expect.

In[10]: compare_zero = Template("{% if zero == False %}0 == False{% endif %}")
In[11]: compare_zero.render(context)
Out[11]: u'0 == False'

Solution 3:

I think this will work for you:

{% if not myvar %}

Solution 4:

You could write a custom template filter to do this in a half-dozen lines of code:

from django.template import Library

register = Library()

def is_false(arg): 
    return arg is False

Then in your template:

{% if myvar|is_false %}...{% endif %}

Of course, you could make that template tag much more generic... but this suits your needs specifically ;-)