Cmake Error: could not load cache

I'm using Cmake to try to build a project for Eclipse. When I try running Cmake, I get the following error:

Error: could not load cache
Error: Batch build stopped due to Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles error.
---- Time Elapsed: 3 secs ----
Error: could not load cache
Error: Batch build stopped due to Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles error.

I'm completely stumped on what might be causing this. I know that I'm running Cmake in the correct directory and the CMakeCache.txt file is present. Could someone point me in the right direction to solve this?

If you are using the CLion, you can use File---"Reload CMake Project".

I meet this problem after using git force pull, and Reload CMake Project solves it.

Remove the CMakeCache.txt and try again. You probably had a bad cmake setup.