Test cases in inner classes with JUnit

You should annontate your class with @RunWith(Enclosed.class), and like others said, declare the inner classes as static:

public class DogTests
  public static class BarkTests
    public void quietBark_IsAtLeastAudible() { }

    public void loudBark_ScaresAveragePerson() { }

  public static class EatTests
    public void normalFood_IsEaten() { }

    public void badFood_ThrowsFit() { }

public class ServicesTest extends TestBase {

   public static class TestLogon{

       public void testLogonRequest() throws Exception {
         //My Test Code

Making the inner class static works for me.

In JUnit 5, you simply mark non-static inner classes as @Nested:

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Nested;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

public class DogTests {
    public class BarkTests {
        public void quietBark_IsAtLeastAudible() { }

        public void loudBark_ScaresAveragePerson() { }

    public class EatTests {
        public void normalFood_IsEaten() { }

        public void badFood_ThrowsFit() { }

I think some of the answers might be for older versions of JUnit. In JUnit 4 this worked for me:

    @Suite.SuiteClasses({ DogTests.BarkTests.class, DogTests.EatTests.class })
    public class DogTests
        public static class BarkTests
            public void quietBark_IsAtLeastAudible() { }

            public void loudBark_ScaresAveragePerson() { }

        public static class EatTests
            public void normalFood_IsEaten() { }

            public void badFood_ThrowsFit() { }

I've had success with Nitor Creation's Nested Runner as well.

How to use Nitor Creation's Nested Runner

There is a post explaining it here:

Add this dependency:


And a @RunWith to your test:

import com.nitorcreations.junit.runners.NestedRunner
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
public class RepositoryUserServiceTest {
    public class RegisterNewUserAccount {
        public class WhenUserUsesSocialSignIn {
            public class WhenUserAccountIsFoundWithEmailAddress {
                public void shouldThrowException() {

PS: The example code has been taken and modified from the above blog post