Macbook Pro doesn't accept any incoming connections - Firewall disabled!

Solution 1:

You are loading Icefloor. Even having that listed implies you are still running a second firewall. Icefloor is a GUI to configure the OpenBSD packet filter firewall builtin to the macOS Mach kernel. Icefloor is older software that is no longer supported nor maintained by the developer. It’s recommended that you switch to the Murus Firewall app to replace Icefloor. Neither app is an actual firewall but just a GUI front end to configuring the builtin PF firewall on macOS. You can do all the configuration via a text editor and command line. It’s just not nearly as easy.

The PF firewall is in addition to the GUI firewall you already disabled. To disable the PF firewall you do so from the Terminal.

 sudo pfctl -d

If your computer is managed by an IT department you may find you cannot turn it off or if you can it will turn itself back on.