Reconnect to network drive on connection to network

I've been having the exact same problem and search for a solution. Eventually I found a few apps in the app store (I never normally look for software there!) that claim to be able to reconnect network drives after sleep:

Drive Mounty - I tried the pro version of this (£2.99) for a few weeks and it seemed to mostly work ok but suddenly started hammering the CPU and failing to mount the drive and also adding random suffixes to the mount point. The free version is restricted to 1 mount point and limited remounts. Was promising at first but sadly became unreliable.

Auto Mounter - Currently trying this (£9.99) with the Pro options pack too (£2.99). Looks good so far and has lots of features and the ability to create rules. Can mount drives in /Volumes using a separate helper utility that overcomes the App Store sandboxing. It's a shame there is no free trial version available.

Drive Mounter - Not tried this because Auto Mounter is holding up well so far. Has a free version too to try.

If you try any of these let me know how they work out.

I had the same problem as the OP. But I didn't want to have to add any apps.

So I use osascript to mount the file system. This solution does require you to save the credentials in the Keychain, but that only needs to be done once.

first I created the script file (credit to samuelfullerth for writing the script)

 nano ~/

Then I put in this script (with changes to fit my environment)

if /sbin/ping -q -c 1 -W 1 <server ip goes here> >/dev/null; then
  if [ ! -d "/Volumes/<your volume>" ]  
  /usr/bin/osascript -e "try" -e "mount volume \"smb://<your user name@server IP/your volume>\"" -e "end try"  

After saving I changed the permissions

chmod 755 ~/

Then I created a crontab entry to run the script every minute. I prefer nano for editing so I used this command. (there's probably a way to make nano the default)

env EDITOR=nano crontab -e 

Enter this into the crontab and save

* * * * * ~/ >/dev/null 2>&1

Now your Mac will stay connected to the NAS regardless. I got so tired of my Mac nagging me to reconnect to a drive that should always be connected.
