How can I run a shell script that prompts for user input from within Applescript
I have two pieces of code. One is Applescript and the other a Bash shell script. The shell script needs to run concurrently with the applescript, return some values and then exit. The problem is the shell script's read -p
prompt does not pause for user input when called from within applescript using do shell script "/path/to/"
I thought maybe
display dialog "Query?" default answer ""
set T to text returned of result
could replace the read -p
prompt but I can't figure out how to make either way work. How cam use either of these methods to properly ask and wait for user entry?
I realize I could cut the applescript in two sections placing one at the beginning of the shell script and one after the last shell command.
osascript ~/Start_Script.scpt
echo 'enter some Text'
read -p "" T
## for things in stuff do more
## stuff while doing other things
## done
osascript ~/End_Script.scpt
This is what I've been doing and it does work. But it requires using the terminal which is fine for me. But if I wanted to show someone like my Mom.. well she's just not going to open the Terminal app. So it would be nice to find a way to emulate the read -p
command within Applescript itself and be able to pass a variable along to the embedded shell script.
AppleScript embedded in a shell script is often messy, hard to read, and hard to quote properly.
I get around that by using this sort of construct.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
read -r -d '' applescriptCode <<'EOF'
set dialogText to text returned of (display dialog "Query?" default answer "")
return dialogText
dialogText=$(osascript -e "$applescriptCode");
echo $dialogText;
I think what you need is:
set T to text returned of (display dialog "Query?" buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button "OK" default answer "")
If you want to do this from a bash script, you need to do:
osascript -e 'set T to text returned of (display dialog "Query?" buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button "OK" default answer "")'
I can explain it in more detail if you need me to, but I think it's pretty self-explanatory.
EDIT: If you want the result as a shell variable, do:
SHELL_VAR=`osascript -e 'set T to text returned of (display dialog "Query?" buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button "OK" default answer "")'`
Everything you type between the backticks (` `) is evaluated (executed) by the shell before the main command. See this answer for more information.
I agree that this is a little "hacky", and I'm sure there are better ways to do this, but this works.