Activate FaceTime and Messages on Wi-Fi iPad with email address only?

Is it possible to activate FaceTime and Messages on Wi-Fi iPad using Apple ID's email address only?

Someone has Wi-Fi Pad but doesn't have an iPhone. Although there is a phone number associated with the user's Apple ID, that phone number is not associated with FaceTime or Messages because it is not on an iPhone. When trying to activate FaceTime or Messages on the Wi-Fi iPad, the Apple ID email address is shown, but the Sign On option is greyed out and neither Facetime nor Messages can be activated with that email address only.

it is possible. I'll try to walk you through the process in the best and clearest way possible.

  1. Create an iCloud account. (You can create this with an existing email address, just click the “use my current email” button)

  2. Go to “Settings - Messages - Send and receive” than make sure the email you want to use is checked in both the “receive” and “start” sections. (I know we are setting this up in message settings, it will also apply to FaceTime) message settings

  3. Go to “Settings - FaceTime” and check the email in both the “Caller ID” and the “You can be reached at” sections. You may have to scroll down. enter image description here

  4. You're done! Open the FaceTime app and begin a call! Note that if you only have the wi-fi model, you will need to be in wi-fi.

Hope this helped!