Photo thumbnails remain in camera roll after moving photos to computer

Solution 1:

A hacky and maybe risky workaround which worked for me was suggested here:

  • Go to PhotoData folder
  • Delete Photos.sqlite
  • Restart the iPhone

Solution 2:

Why is this happening: because deleting the picture from DCIM has no effect on the database listing the pictures neither to the thumbnails generated during the capture of the picture. Once the DCIM empty the DB points to void placeholders.

How to do otherwise: try rebooting the iPhone. Next time delete them form the device or use some 3rd party softs.

Solution 3:

Well, I did that, too, deleting Photos.sqlite file. But then when I wanted to look at the thumbnails in the Camera Roll (accessed through running the Camera app) - nothing was there, and it said "Rebuilding Thumbnails" or something, and it took a while. And then all the thumbnails were there. Except one: I couldn't see a thumbnail of a photo I took while this "rebuilding process" was going on. (However, it is there in the Photos app.)

Now, that this process is complete it seems that the new photos result in new thumbnails. And I see them appear in the /private/var/mobile/Media/PhotoData/Thumbnails/ folder.

Also, just as an aside, deleting Photos.sqlite doesn't delete all the old thumbnails. And while they are small, they do end up taking some space on the iPhone storage unit.