Unity's "File Edit View" menus in Gnome Fallback in Ubuntu 12.04?

I was recently playing around with Ubuntu 11.04 (Ah, the last version of Ubuntu to use Gnome 2 in the background) and I noticed this:

File Edit View Menu's in GNOME

As you can see its the "Unity" "File Edit View..." menu in GNOME 2. It's available as an indicator addon in 11.04.

Now what I'm asking is how do I get this integrated menu to the top bar in GNOME Fallback/Classic in Ubuntu 12.04? As it will be a great addition on my custom distro. Its also good for saving space on smaller screens like on my netbook. (Wink wink, nudge nudge. Hmm, maybe thats why he wants the answer)

It would also be nicer if it hid when the mouse isn't over it, but that's just a perk, but it would be nice ;)

I can confirm that the answer by tabakisp works! Thank you tabakisp!

*If you use GNOME2 or GNOME3 you can use the globalmenu package.

You can find more information here

And install instructions over here

This adds the same global menu as in Unity.*

Answered here.


In order for this guide to work for 12.04 Precise, you also need sudo apt-get install appmenu-gtk libqtgui4 indicator-applet-appmenu indicator-appmenu and then Alt + Right-Click, Add to Panel..., and add Indicator Applet Appmenu