DNS resolv config

NetworkManager is the program which (via the resolvconf utility) inserts address into resolv.conf. NM inserts that address if an only if it is configured to start an instance of the dnsmasq program to serve as a local forwarding nameserver. That dnsmasq instance listens for queries at address

If you wish to see witch DNS you use currently type command

nmcli device show <interfacename> | grep IP4.DNS

You can set different DNS param for each connection

If you do not want to use a local forwarding nameserver then configure NetworkManager not to start a dnsmasq instance and not to insert that address. In /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf comment out the line dns=dnsmasq

sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf


and restart the NetworkManager service.

sudo systemctl restart network-manager

In this mode, NetworkManager updates /etc/resolv.conf (still via resolvconf) to include the nameserver addresses NetworkManager has for active connections.

If you want to disable the resolvconf mechanism for updating resolv.conf and just use a static resolv.conf file, do the following.

sudo rm -f /etc/resolv.conf  # Delete the symbolic link
sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf   # Create static file

# Content of static resolv.conf