Is there any difference between "straighten out" and "sort out"? [closed]

Solution 1:

In many contexts, idiomatic straighten out and sort out are equivalent and interchangeable.

But there's a potential distinction in, for example,...

I have to miss my regular "Girsl's Night Out" tomorrow because I've got to stay in and...

1: ...straighten out my husband's tax return.
2: ...sort out my husband's tax return.

...where to my mind the strong implication in #1 is that the husband has already tried to "deal with" his tax return himself, but has made a mess of it. There's no such implication with #2.

Another potential distinction for some speakers in some contexts is that to straighten someone out may be used to mean to enlighten them by explaining something (feasibly, by pointing out that their behaviour is unacceptable), whereas they might use to sort someone out to mean to physically attack them (often, because they've behaved unacceptably).

Solution 2:

Straightening out implies some kinks that need taking care of. The majority of the task has been attempted but there are some issues that need rectifying. Sorting out is used for a new activity.

Using the reservation example; your partner has asked you to book a table at a restaurant. A couple of days later they remind you

Hey Honey, have you sorted out that reservation yet?

The restaurant calls back to say they have confirmed your tables, this is a problem because you only want one. Realising this mistake, your partner then asks you to

straighten out that booking

Solution 3:

To me, "Sort out" signifies a preset arrangement. "Straighten" seems more vague, e.g. to fix until it looks right at the present time.