What does "frank" (noun, food-related) mean? [closed]

I found the following text in the dictionary of soldier slang of WWII (my emphasis):

beans 'n' weenies: C-ration beans and franks, a cornerstone of infrantry nutrition

I assume that franks is a piece of food, but I couldn't find any food-related meaning of this word.

What does frank mean in this context?

Solution 1:

Franks, in Franks and Beans refers to FRANKfurters. Weenies refers to WIENERS.

See Wikipedia page for a picture of the dish.

And here's an excerpt from Dreamboat of the Western World by Tracy Sinclair (1992):

"I also got a bottle of wine for dinner."

"I hope it's an unpretentious little vintage that goes with frankfurters and beans. That's what we're having." Melissa got out two highball glasses and filled an ice bucket from the freezer.

"Great. I haven't had franks and beans in a long time,"

Solution 2:

The New Oxford American Dictionary has this

noun North American


A seasoned smoked sausage typically made of beef and pork