Is there a specific word for a genius who can express themselves via original insights?

Is there a specific word for a genius who can express themselves via original insights?

I want to say that

there are no ____ in the arts anymore, it's impossible

An idiom would be fine.

Perhaps there is some synonym of 'self expression'

the expression of one's feelings, thoughts, or ideas, especially in writing, art, music, or dance

which forms an idiom with 'genius'?

The closest I myself can think of is some variant of heurēka, "I have found it".

'Creative genius' almost works, but I don't think that it excludes genius that is not self expression. None of the other synonyms, that I know, exclude everything but creative genius.

The word "epiphanic genius" appears, briefly, in the literature on the psychologist William James. Epiphany / epiphanic, defined by the ODO

A moment of sudden and great revelation or realization.

It may cover the ideas of self expression, genius and insight.

I mean, dependent on how close 'realization' / 'revelation' / 'response' are to 'self expression'.

enter image description here

  • Dynamic Individualism of William James, The By James O. Pawelski, p173

A visionary

Graham Bell was a visionary.

If you refer to someone as a visionary, you mean that they have strong, original ideas about how things might be different in the future, especially about how things might be improved.

While not exactly synonomous to 'genius' it has some overlap. Genius:

Someone possessing extraordinary intelligence or skill; especially somebody who has demonstrated this by a creative or original work in science, music, art etc.