nodemon watch directory for changes

I know how to do nodemon server.js but what if I want to do nodemon ./src

I want restart node on any changes in the directory of src.

When I do above and it say cannot find module babelprac\src

I am also doing in another command window : npm run scripts:watch

The script is

"scripts" : {
  "scripts" : "babel src --source-maps-inline --out-dir dist",
  "scripts:watch" : "babel src --watch --source-map-inline --out-dir dist"

That runs the watch but I want to run the script in src or dist to see the console.logs

I aslo tried nodemon --watch ./src. It says it can't find index.js.

I am on windows 7

My working directory is babelprac

Nodemon expects it just as:

nodemon --watch src server.js

nodemon --watch app --watch libs app/server.js

Nodemon also has a more fine-grained approach for watching folders and files. Use nodemon.json to specify what files and the types of files to watch, as below in your case:

  "watch": ["server.js", "src/"],
  "ext": "js, css"

Having a nodemon.json is particularly useful when the number and types of watched files start to bloat, and also when you want to run a script upon each server restart. For nodemon to read in the configuration, nodemon.json should be placed at the root directory of your project, along with every other hidden and not hidden json files.

Below is a good place to start your nodemon.json.

I use this for hot replacement, nodemon --watch src and run tsc complier.

you can also check this article:

"scripts": {
  "watch-server": "nodemon --watch 'src/**/*' -e ts,tsx --exec 'ts-node' ./src/server.ts"